
Salad Bowl – Immigration in the USA

America is not a melting pot, and even as a salad, lacks dressing.



We are three SUNY Brockport students researching and creating a documentary about immigration in the Unites States, especially in reference to the current "ban."

Question ideas for vets

I've been trying to come up with a good list of questions to ask any military veterans that we interview in regards to immigration policies. I want to make sure that they know we won't be trying to make anyone... Continue Reading →

SXSW Immigration Clause

There was a backlash against the organizers of SXSW (South by Southwest) that made headlines today. Apparently, in music artist's contracts, there was an immigration clause, which "reserved the right for SXSW to contact immigration authorities if international artists played... Continue Reading →

Veterans Supporting Trump

I keep spending time trying to read what Trump's supporters have to say about the immigration policies, and many times, veterans are some of the key proponents for the immigration ban. I found another pro-Trump article about veteran views. In... Continue Reading →

NPR Interview

I recently read the transcription of an interview on NPR with Kelly McEvers, where she interviewed a military veteran and an Iraqi interpreter in regard to their stance on the immigration ban. I didn't realize quite how important interpreters were for... Continue Reading →

International Support

We have been focusing on immigration in the US, but we haven't really discussed the rest of the world's opinion on the current state of our country. In London, in February, there was a mass protest of Trump's policies. In... Continue Reading →

Hate Crime in Washington

Racial tensions have been on the rise in the US since President Trump first issued the controversial immigration ban. Even though the ban was overturned, having a President in office that would support such a drastic action has allowed for... Continue Reading →

Devil’s Advocate

In researching the issue of immigration (mostly illegal immigration) in the United States, I realized that I needed to be looking at the perspective of people that are anti-immigration. This video is from the Federation for American Immigration Reform: Continue Reading →

Frostbitten, but Free

I have been researching personal stories of people affected by Trump's immigration policies, and one really sad story popped out to me. Two months ago, two men that had fled Ghana, fearing what the United States would do to them,... Continue Reading →

Deportation Rejection

The U.S was planning on sending all detainees picked up from the US/Mexico border back to Mexico while their cases were pending, and since a majority of the people that would be deported to Mexico are not actually Mexican (they... Continue Reading →

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