
Salad Bowl – Immigration in the USA

America is not a melting pot, and even as a salad, lacks dressing.

Final Message:

I have always had a strong connection with this film for the fact that I'm an immigrant. If I was put in a situation where I couldn't come to this country, I truly wouldn't know what to do. It's still... Continue Reading →

Developmental Stages of Our Film

In the 6 weeks that we've researched this topic, we have come to agreement on the route that we want to take for this film. It was incredibly hard to make vision how we want our film to look, and... Continue Reading →

Girl Threatened Deportation for Speaking Out

This L.A. Times article tells the story of a girl who who simply speaking out against the immigration ban and its impact on her family and was then targeted by authorities to be deported. Daniela Vargas was brought to the U.S. from... Continue Reading →

Travel Ban Isn’t Really to Prevent Terrorism

This article greatly explains the many flaws with the travel ban and how its intentions are clearly not what they seem. Although the Trump administration claims this is for our "safety" and to "protect our country" (bad enough as that is ),... Continue Reading →

Support Program for People “Targeted” by Undocumented Immigrants

I just found this article that explains the Trump administration's organization of a program to help people who were victims of crimes committed by undocumented immigrants. In reality, this is just another propaganda ploy by the government to make illegal immigrants look... Continue Reading →

New Travel Ban

As I'm sure everyone has heard, Trump has issued a new and revised travel ban. The new ban removes Iraq from the original ban due to intense protesting from the Iraqi fro government. This leaves Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and... Continue Reading →

Islam, Immigration, and Their Intersection

Attending the program last week about immigration was very interesting research for our project. There were 3 people on the panel who discussed their experiences; a Muslim student who is the daughter of immigrants, and 2 professors who were both... Continue Reading →

Question ideas for vets

I've been trying to come up with a good list of questions to ask any military veterans that we interview in regards to immigration policies. I want to make sure that they know we won't be trying to make anyone... Continue Reading →

SXSW Immigration Clause

There was a backlash against the organizers of SXSW (South by Southwest) that made headlines today. Apparently, in music artist's contracts, there was an immigration clause, which "reserved the right for SXSW to contact immigration authorities if international artists played... Continue Reading →

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