I’ve been trying to come up with a good list of questions to ask any military veterans that we interview in regards to immigration policies. I want to make sure that they know we won’t be trying to make anyone look right or wrong, and we will be presenting this objectively as possible. Here’s what I’ve got so far:

Q1: What is your opinion of President Trump’s original travel ban? Why?

Q2: Since the 7 countries (6 now?) in question are all Muslim-majority countries, would you consider it to be a ban on religion?

Q3: What is your view on American immigration policy? (past and present)

Q4: What is your military background? Where did you serve?

Q5: Has your view of America changed from before you were in the military to now? (also, what does America mean to you?)

Q6: Do you have any immigrants in your family? (Grandparents, etc).

Q7: What is your opinion of America’s vetting process for immigrants?

Q8: How do you feel about the deportation force?

Q9: How do you feel about the idea of private prisons for criminal illegal immigrants?

Q10: What is your view on the current state of America? (Going forward, going backwards? Why do you think President Trump has been so polarizing?)


I’m not sure if I’m missing anything, but this seems like a good place to start.

Mat J (15)